NF P 92-505: Dripping test
NF P 92-505: Dripping test with electrical radiator, used for melting materials.
If for NF P 92-501 and NF P 92-503 testing, there melt drops off, with or without combustion phenomenon, should conduct the test NF P 92-505. Comprehensive assessment M classification.
NF P 92-505 combustion is used to test whether the produced materials can be ignited lint (asbestos gasket) of the droplet. If the fire reaction tests in other non-combustible material or material generated droplet could not be determined rapidly shrinking spread of flame, drip test should be conducted, according to test results will be material dropping into M1 ~ M4 rating.
NF P 92-505 testing requirements: the sample is placed horizontally on the sample rack, the vertical distance of 30mm at its office, horizontal level of a power of 500W electric radiators, heat the sample to impose a certain amount of radiation in the sample under 300mm vertical distance by placing a receiving tray, drip tray lighted place for lint (asbestos gasket), test 10min. The testing processes while observing the flame, and if the sample is ignited before the 5min electric radiators should be removed, have radiation after 5min. The combustion of the samples, smoke and other associated phenomena in record. If lint (Asbestos Gasket) is lit, then determine the grade for the M4.
Other Standard
NF P 92-501: Building materials- Reaction to fire tests, radiation test used for rigid material or flexible materials thickness more than 5mm.
NF P 92-503: Electrical burner test used for flexible materials thickness no more than 5mm
NF P 92-504: speed of spread of flame test used for the materials which are not intended to be glued on a rigid substrate.
NF P 92-505: Dripping test with electrical radiator, used for melting materials.